The life we took for granted is no more; the next step hasn’t revealed itself. As we navigate this transitional phase, what inner transformation is brewing? What shape will our lives take when we emerge from hibernation? As spiritual teacher, Stuart Mooney said in a recent talk, “Humanity has taken a time-out and we have the opportunity to push the reset button to be more in tune with natural law.” Aligning with natural law means living in the present. During…..
Marina and Nick (not their real names) came to my support group at hospice every week for several months after their three-month-old baby died of a severe birth defect. Although Nick was philosophical about the loss, he was able to feel and express his grief each week during the sessions, which he said was helpful in coming to an acceptance. Marina’s process was different. She seemed perpetually angry— “It shouldn’t have happened. We did everything right.” She compared herself to…..
In my book, Simply Sacred, I wrote about a client I called John, a man in his thirties who came to see me at hospice when his wife was dying of a brain tumor. They had tried every treatment to no avail, and she was at the end of her young life. During our first session, he told me he was at peace with the situation. Of course, he was devastated for himself and for his wife, but he had…..